Thursday, May 25, 2017

Nearing the End

I wrote my first 50K words in NaNoWriMo 2016. I put it down, and got the rest of my life in process after that.

Including my plan to retire in another week.

No, I'm not retiring off the proceeds from a blockbuster first novel.

I've just managed to put together the magic combination of age, Social Security, pensions, and various tax-sheltered money to be able to cut loose the full-time gig.

For now.

There are no guarantees. It's totally possible that I will need to pick up another FT job in the future. I do anticipate that I will be picking up some PT money within 6 months, at least. I may sub, either in schools, or with temp office work.

Or not.

As I get near the finish line (completed revision, ready to test the waters), I've started learning more about the publishing business.

It's generally NOT pretty. The business is in chaos, run largely by people who were NOT the stars of their business school - they are English majors.

Read more from an insider about the state of the publishing world.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Writing Blog

I decided to setup a blog for my writing. I'll be posting some work-in-progress, links to published work, and some posts about things I've experienced and learned along the way.

This blog is strictly for activities related to my writing. Any other activities/opinions are on my other blogs:

Right As Usual - WARNING! I am opinionated, definitely NON-PC, and irreverent. Don't go there and come back complaining about it not being your cup of tea (or, glass of SweetTea).

At Last! Retiring for Good - this blog is for the retired, nearly retired, or heading in that direction, if not immediately. Think of those getting AARP magazine - starts around 50.  I've been writing about organizing the paperwork, struggles with bureaucracy, and my back-and-forth decision making. For the next few years, I'll also share how the End of FT Work is going, as well as any links or tips that seem pertinent.

The Jobs are Getting Done!

First one - finished the Creating Your Life Story in Bite-Sized Pieces. 4 classes, 90 minutes each. Followed that up with a Slack Space for ...