Monday, March 08, 2021

The Jobs are Getting Done!

First one - finished the Creating Your Life Story in Bite-Sized Pieces. 4 classes, 90 minutes each.

Followed that up with a Slack Space for the group. Have just dipped my toes into it, so far. I was planning to make each Tuesday a day when I would post new content. Still plan it, but haven't yet reached that point. However, I haven't any appointments on Tuesday in the morning, so I can put it off until then.

Second one - I've finished 4 of my courses for the Insurance Renewal CEUs, giving me 13 CEUs out of 24 needed. I'm part-way through the next course, which I plan to work on today for at least 2 hours (may or may not complete it, but that's about all I can handle at one sitting).

Third one - this one, updating my blog. I'm going to post links to the content I have, so far (3 short stories), and add in more as I complete them. I want to have it in a handy-to-reach place.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

First Class Done!

It wasn't perfect - but, few things in life are.

But, it was pretty good. A few bloopers, and I had WAY more call on the Resources in the folder than I had expected.

Only 1 person needed that much more instruction than most, and she was in a pretty good place by the end. Several have reached out to me on email, and I was able to respond quickly to them.

I'm getting excited about next week's class - it will center on audio and video insertions. I'm also making a list of prompts that they might want to use for their entries.

Thursday, February 04, 2021

Summing Up January's Output

On one hand - great!

I managed to make some real progress on my new short story, On the Front Edge of the Storm.

At least, it STARTED as a quick short. At this point, I'm at almost 8,000 words, and I'm barely started. I may take a look at it next week, and see if I can split it into several parts, and serialize it. I can always put it back together in one book after I finish.

I won't be tackling that task this week; I have to:

  • Work - HARD - on my CEUs for my renewal of my insurance license. I only have until the end of March to renew (and, I'm assuming that the process of vetting the CEUs, getting the paperwork/online app done and paying for it will take a few days, too).
  • Getting my preparation for my first online class. I've got a 4 week gig teaching Writing Your Life Story in Short Bites - will use episodic format to help seniors get it all in one place, for future generations to have available. I've got the framework, now I need to create the ppt, a couple of short tasks for the class, and put the instructions into a pdf format.
  • Continuing radio work and housework. They are both coming along, little by little.
  • Taxes - I really don't know why (oh, I REALLY do!), but I always get stuck with the organization and figuring out how much we have in deductions in different categories, as well as making sure all the forms - W-2s and other income - are in one place. Den has promised to get his small part done (he figures out the mileage, and does a last check to make sure that I haven't forgotten something deductible). That's the part that, year after year, stays stalled for weeks/months.
And, a lot of other little things that have to be done, that others don't want to do. It's the price of not working a full-time, on site job. When you work from home, everyone thinks you have nothing to do but sit and watch daytime TV.

I don't even LIKE TV.

The Jobs are Getting Done!

First one - finished the Creating Your Life Story in Bite-Sized Pieces. 4 classes, 90 minutes each. Followed that up with a Slack Space for ...