Sunday, April 26, 2020

I'm Finally Writing Again

It started slowly. I reviewed my WIP, began journaling daily - more or less. I wrote in that journal for longer and longer periods of time, and began flexing those writer muscles.

Last night, I woke up, and had an idea for a short story. I got out of bed, wrote the beginning, and made enough notes on the rest that I would be able to get back to it later.

Finally. Finally. Finally.

I've gotten back in the groove again. I'm not fiddling around with reading, blogs, and wasting time sleeping. I have a purpose, and one that is worthwhile.

Life is good.

The Jobs are Getting Done!

First one - finished the Creating Your Life Story in Bite-Sized Pieces. 4 classes, 90 minutes each. Followed that up with a Slack Space for ...