Wednesday, February 05, 2020

February Entry to IWSG Blog Hop

I regularly see works of art featured at Ace of Spades blog, and at Woodpile Report.

Both blogs generally show traditional paintings, often of old masters (including those of other countries and by women). When they explain the meaning behind the composition, the choice of colors, and other parts of the paintings, I know that I have missed a vital part of my education.

In photos, although I take my own, they seldom measure up to those of truly expert photographers. My focus, and my training, is on using words to express myself.

Still, I do appreciate the works. I've long enjoyed the moody, nighttime paintings of Edward Hopper.

I've worked the night shift. I know how the craving for human contact rises in the dark. At those times, the urge to confess and connect is nearly irresistible. For that reason, I wrote:

Click on the link to see the summary - if you'd like to download it, the price is set by the reader (99 cents or less). Don't feel obligated to pay anything.

The Jobs are Getting Done!

First one - finished the Creating Your Life Story in Bite-Sized Pieces. 4 classes, 90 minutes each. Followed that up with a Slack Space for ...