Thursday, January 16, 2020

#IWSGPit Entry

I didn't post one. My WIP is incomplete (although, as I looked at a printed draft yesterday, looking good, although needing some tightening), and only completed work will qualify. Oh, well, I'll try again at a future opportunity.

I took a day off. I need to get to the gym, and Senior Yoga is in the early afternoon. I'm feeling cautiously hopeful about my progress. I've been hitting all my daily step goals (if I'm still doing well by the weekend, I'm gonna up my goals).

Right now, I'm in a good mix of sub work, insurance work, and writing. The thing holding me up is the times when DH is home, and he wants company. Hard to say, No, I'd rather sit at my laptop and interact with imaginary people.

But, sometimes, that's just what I want to do.

The Jobs are Getting Done!

First one - finished the Creating Your Life Story in Bite-Sized Pieces. 4 classes, 90 minutes each. Followed that up with a Slack Space for ...